Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to configure OAF environment

1.      Set a local variable JDEV_HOME to your jdeveloper installation in my scenario is “G:\jdevoa\jdevhome\jdev”
2.      Go to $FND_SECURE and copy your environment “.dbc” file into your  local environment “$JDEV_HOME\..\..\jdevbin\oaext\dbc_files\secure\FILE.dbc”
3.      Right click on the application and Create a “New OA Workspace”

1.      Select a name for your workspace and make sure that is pointing to $JDEV_HOME\jdev

1.      Select a project name check the option “Use repository at design time” and create a new database connection

1.      On the File Name click browse and select the dbc file that you copied in step 2
a.      Populate your user name , password, application short name and responsibility key
2.      Copy the code you want to modify from the following locations
a.      $AP_TOP/MDS to jdevhome/myprojects
b.      $JAVA_TOP to jdevhome/jdev/myclasses
3.      Refresh your project

1.      Click on the page you want to execute

1.      Depending of what page and what code are you executing is the time that will take to run, it can take a long time so be prepared