Friday, August 23, 2013

Connect OSB to UCM using OWSM

For this example we are using basic header security to make the connection

11. Open EM, you need to add the proper credentials.

2. Click on "add a Key" using a user name and password from UCM (as an example weblogic)

3.      On Service bus create a new business service pointing to the URL

4.      On  the policies tab add “oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy” policy

5.      Finally on the security tab add the credential that was added in step 2

6.      Finally you should be able and connect to UCM from OSB.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Oracle eBusiness Custom Business Events Setup

Frequently integrations between Oracle eBusiness and any other partners are made old school. The following explanation shows how how to push Oracle BES (Business Events) into a custom queue and from there any Middleware technology could pick it up.

As an example we are creating a custom BES labeled as salamanderinc.apps.glcode.update.

Steps to accomplish this are as follow
1 - Create custom Oracle AQ where custom events land
2 - Create custom package/procedure to generate event payload and post to custom Oracle AQ
3 - Within eBusiness console and with workflow admin rights do
3.1 - Create custom event such as

3.2 - Create group and assign previous event to the group

3.3 - Create agent

3.4 - Create subscription for the event group

3.5 - Test the event within the console

Friday, August 16, 2013

Cisco integration and Oracle UWQ using OSB

Cisco and UWQ both work with http messages. Basically an interchange of POST between the platforms. Cisco Agent Descktop and Oracle UWQ.

1. First we are going to create a business service that will be in charge of posting messages to UWQ
Define the  following characteristics in our business service

General >> Service Type: Messaging Service
Messaging >> Request : Text
                      Response: None
Transport >> http
HTTP Transport >> Please make sure that use chunked streaming Mode is unchecked (it will not POST otherwise)

2. We are going to configure Cisco Workflow Administrator to raise an action every time the agent answers the phone.

Using the following parameters
protocol: http
method: POST
host: [host name of you OSB instance]
pot: [port of you OSB server, default is 8011]
path: [full path of the proxy we will create in step 3, example /CiscoIntegration/CiscoUWQHandler]

3. Create a proxy in Service Bus with the following information

General >> Service Type= Messaging Service
Messaging >> Request = Text
                       Response = Text
Transport >> Get All Headers = Yes

First We are going to create a pipeline and add an stage in the request side

Assign this a query to a variable called "sendData"

<event name="{ fn:tokenize( (fn:tokenize($CiscoMessage, '&amp;')[2]) , '=')[2]}">
<data name="occtSourceID" value="1"/>
<data name="occtANI" value="{ fn:tokenize( (fn:tokenize($CiscoMessage, '&amp;')[1]) , '=')[2]}"/>

This will transform the cisco post in a message that UWQ will understand

Now you need to capture the address of he Cisco Agent desktop assign the following variable to "clientAddress"


Create a publish to the business created in step 2 adding the following

Routing Options to the uri previously captured fn:concat('http://',$clientAddress,':8888//')

and replace the body with the variable sendData, using Repalce node contents