Monday, April 28, 2014

Extracting encrypted password of a weblogic datasource

In some cases you might need to know the password of an already setup datasource.  If you go to the weblogic console url your'll just see **** symbols. If you look directly into the xml file the password is not visible either, so where do you go from here.  You could use a WLST script similar to the following. Please consider file paths as well as host and weblogic credentials are hardcoded but you could easily replace those. See below an example.

#This WLST script will extract the encrypted password of 
#any given weblogic datasource
from import *
from import *
from xml.dom import minidom

# Path where the wncrypted pwd is (replace path with your jdbc xml file path)
doc = minidom.parse('/oracle/fmwhome/user_projects/domains/dev_bpm/config/jdbc/mds-soa-jdbc.xml')
pwd = doc.childNodes[0].childNodes[3].childNodes[7]

#Get password of connectionpool (replace path with your domain security path)
encryptionService = SerializedSystemIni.getEncryptionService("/oracle/fmwhome/user_projects/domains/dev_bpm/security")
clearOrEncryptService = ClearOrEncryptedService(encryptionService)

# Remove unneeded characters
preppwd = pwd.replace("\\", "")

# Decrypt the password
print('Unencrypted password -> ' + psd)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

common UCM payloads GenericSOAPPort

11.   Before start using the GenericSOAPPort is important that security is added to the request you can easily do this with a policy “oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy” or add a username and password in the SOAP UI for testing

22.  Check in a new document

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ucm="">
    <GenericRequest xmlns:ns0="" xmlns="" webKey="cs">
<ns0:Service IdcService="CHECKIN_NEW">
<ns0:Field name="dDocTitle">test56.pdf</ns0:Field>
<ns0:Field name="dDocType">Document</ns0:Field>
<ns0:Field name="dSecurityGroup">Public</ns0:Field>
<ns0:File name="primaryFile" href="test51.pdf">
[base 64]

33. Retrieve document id  dID from the response from the previous call and use it as input parameter, “GET_FILE”

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ucm="">
            <ucm:GenericRequest webKey="cs">
         <ucm:Service IdcService="GET_FILE">
            <ucm:Field  name="dID">6404</ucm:Field>

44. Approve a document

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ucm="">
    <GenericRequest xmlns:ns0="" xmlns="" webKey="cs">
<ns0:Service IdcService="WORKFLOW_APPROVE">
<ns0:Field name="dID">6402</ns0:Field>

55.  Scan a document after approved and indexer successfully run the GET_SEARCH_RESULT

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ucm="">
      <ucm:GenericRequest webKey="cs">
         <ucm:Service IdcService="GET_SEARCH_RESULTS">           
 <ucm:Field  name="QueryText">dID = `6405`</ucm:Field>